According to estimates in a recent NIH-funded study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, nearly half of all deaths from heart disease, strokes, and type 2 diabetes in the U.S. are associated with dietary factors. ...
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Articles: Blog
Give and Grow
Creating a life that will allow us to contribute to the well-being of our world in ways that are in line with our talents and affinities fills us with a sense of purpose. ...
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Adopt Age-Positive Expectations
Research has shown that our expectations of aging, as well as our lifestyle choices, have more to do with what we experience than the actual process of aging....
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Crafting Emotional Resilience
Aging means change. Some of the changes we experience with aging can create feelings of loss of control, as if we have been abducted into an unwelcome phase of life. The good news is that we have the capacity to accept and adjust to these changes, rather than...
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Eat Right at Night
Along with physical changes that occur as we get older, changes to our sleep patterns are a part of the normal aging process. As we age, we tend to have a harder time falling asleep. ...
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Purpose is Powerful
Over the past two decades, dozens of studies have shown that older adults with a sense of purpose in life are less likely to experience disease, disability, and cognitive impairment. ...
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